拙作《经济运行的逻辑》面市之际,渣打银行大中华区的经济学家王志浩(Stepehen Green,他是一个英国人,却起了一个特别中国化的中文名字)博士欣然做文推荐,并讨论了他从事中国经济分析的一些感悟。评论文章见下文(中英文对照)。需要说明的是,其中的美言部分显然属于过誉之词,作者本人万不敢当。
There are a few
rules which I think are pretty much essential for anyone serious
about studying China’s economy today.
Rule #1: You should be careful with the data: it is not all bad, but you need to understand the problems with each series in order to use it properly.
Rule #2: Get out of the office as much as you can. So much of what is happening today in China is not in the data; its driven by how policy is being implemented, what firms are doing, how consumers are feeling, and to get a sense of that there is no substitute for getting out there and talking to people.
Rule #3. Always read everything Gao Shanwen writes. He is one of the very few economists working today – not just in China but globally – who combine smart, short-term market views with a thoughtful macro-framework. As a result, reading his work will always give you something new to think about and something interesting to trade. He genuinely is world-class – and this latest book is testament to that fact.